
Yevlash tells how Ukrainian air defense can shoot down russian "Zircon"

 • 28214 переглядiв

Ukraine has air defense systems such as SAMP/T and Patriot that can shoot down russia's Zircon hypersonic missiles, but needs more of them to protect critical infrastructure along the long front line, according to a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force.

The Ukrainian Air Force can shoot down russian Zircon missiles using SAMP/T and Patriot systems. However, Ukraine needs more such air defense systems. This was reported by the spokesman for the Air Force Command of Ukraine Ilya Yevlash on Radio Liberty, according to a correspondent of UNN .


When asked if the Air Force has something to counter ballistic missiles today, or if only Patriots can shoot them down, Yevlash replied: "Of course. For example, such a complex as SAMP/T is still used against ballistic missiles. But of course, ballistics is a complex missile system and it is somewhat more difficult to intercept. However, thanks to our partners, we have the means of destruction, of course, we need more of them, because the frontline is very large.

According to him, the enemy has a lot of different missiles, which they use quite intensively.

В КНДІСЕ розповіли, скільки вибухівки міститься у бойовій частині ракети "Циркон"27.03.24, 11:14

In order to cover at least some of the main part, using various non-standard approaches, creative maneuvering approaches, we need more of these systems, because we have nuclear power plants, we have hydroelectric power plants, and so on, and all of this needs to be reinforced

- Yevlash noted.

He noted that Zircon is a very, very fast weapon.

If we're talking about Zircon, it's about Mach 8-9. This is incredibly fast. However, when these missiles enter the impact trajectory, their speed decreases. It becomes subsonic. It's about Mach 4.5. It is at this point that we can use our anti-ballistic systems. These are SAMP/T, Patriot systems that can inflict powerful damage and shoot down even such weapons

- Evlash said. 

Військовий експерт: характеристики, які дали росіяни "Циркону" - перебільшені27.03.24, 12:30


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