
Ambassadors of the UK and France summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry: what is known

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The ambassadors of France and the United Kingdom were summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry, with the British ambassador, according to Russian media, summoned because of Cameron's statements about Ukraine's right to strike Russian territory using British weapons, and the French ambassador was summoned for unknown reasons.

The ambassadors of France and the United Kingdom have been summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry, UNN reports, citing the Russian media.


According to the Russian media, the British ambassador was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry because of Cameron's statement about Ukraine's right to strike at Russian territory using British weapons.

Міжнародні партнери недостатньо допомагають Україні – Камерон26.02.24, 09:39

It is known that the British ambassador left the Russian Foreign Ministry after spending about 30 minutes there, and refused to talk to the press.

Later, the French ambassador was spotted near the Russian Foreign Ministry building. He also refused to talk to the press. His visit to the Russian Foreign Ministry lasted 40 minutes.

Зустріч Макрона та Сі Цзіньпіна: Франція тиснутиме на Китай щодо торгівлі та війни в Україні 05.05.24, 09:29

The reason for the summons or the appearance of the French ambassador in the department of Sergei Lavrov is not indicated by the Russian media.


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