
CEC invalidates Russian presidential "elections" in occupied Ukrainian territories

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The Central Election Commission of Ukraine emphasized the nullity of the "results" of the Russian presidential election held in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, declaring them illegitimate and calling on foreign states and international organizations not to recognize them.

The Central Election Commission has analyzed the "election results" of the Russian President. It is emphasized that, ignoring the generally recognized principles and norms  of international law, the aggressor state held the so-called presidential elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol on March 15-17, 2024. This was reported on the CEC website, UNN reports .


It is noted that during these pseudo-elections, the technologies of psychological and physical coercion of Ukrainian citizens to the relevant "will" were used, which had already been developed earlier in the fake referendum on the accession of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to the Russian Federation and the pseudo-elections to the occupation representative bodies of the aggressor state, with the demonstrative activity of "voters" and falsified results.

On February 23, 2024, the Central Election Commission condemned  the illegal decisions and actions of the authorities of the Russian Federation and its occupation administrations to organize the preparation and holding of these pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and stressed that any attempts to organize their preparation and holding are illegitimate. And their results, if the votes of the "voters" in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine are taken into account, will be null and void and will give grounds for non-recognition of the president elected in this way, in particular, his legal personality in international relations.

Numerous representatives of the democratic international community have also condemned and assessed the "presidential elections" in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

In particular, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution on April 17, 2024, in which it noted, among other things, that polling stations for these "elections" were opened on sovereign Ukrainian territory temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, which is a gross violation of the UN Charter and the principle of sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of all states.


On April 25, 2024, the European Parliament also adopted a resolution on the undemocratic presidential elections in Russia and their illegitimate extension to the occupied territories, which unequivocally condemned the illegal so-called elections held by the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and stressed that the holding of "elections" in these territories is a clear violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and international law, in particular the UN Charter.

Despite the opinion of international institutions and the world community, on May 7 , 2024, the "elected" president of the Russian Federation took the oath of office, and the head of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation announced his inauguration.

On the eve of this "inauguration", the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine issued a statement calling on foreign states, international organizations and the public, in particular, to follow the example of the aforementioned PACE and European Parliament resolutions and not to recognize the results of the Russian pseudo-elections and the legitimacy of the Russian dictator, and to continue to oppose the destruction of the rule of law and universally recognized democratic values organized by him.

The CEC, supporting the position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, emphasizes that only those elections and their results organized and conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine and only by the bodies established and authorized by the laws of Ukraine to administer them can be considered legitimate on the territory of sovereign independent Ukraine.

Therefore, during today's meeting, the Commission emphasized the nullity of the "results of the presidential elections" of the Russian Federation, in particular those illegally organized and held in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, and therefore the illegitimacy of the person "elected" in such  "elections".

The CEC called on foreign states, their election administration bodies, and international organizations not to recognize the results of the so-called presidential elections and the legitimacy of the Russian president "elected" in them. In addition, to impose sanctions and other measures of influence on Russian officials and employees who supported and/or participated in the organization and conduct of pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied parts of the territory of Ukraine, as well as to cease any cooperation with the aggressor state and its agencies.

The Commission also called on Ukrainian citizens to inform law enforcement agencies about officials and employees of the Russian Federation and other persons involved in organizing and conducting pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied parts of Ukraine. In particular, in the formation of the so-called election bodies, dissemination of information or campaigning, observation of the pseudo-elections and other activities aimed at organizing the preparation and holding of the so-called presidential elections in Russia.

In addition, the CEC appealed to the Security Service of Ukraine to bring to criminal responsibility members of the Russian Central Election Commission and other officials and employees of the Russian Federation who organized and conducted the so-called presidential elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, as well as other persons involved in such activities.

росіяни привезли на "інавгурацію" путіна масовку з мешканців окупованих територій України - Центр нацспротиву 07.05.24, 15:51


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