
Draft law on mobilization may be adopted by the end of March - Stefanchuk

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The draft law on mobilization, which has received 4,195 amendments, may be adopted by the Verkhovna Rada by the end of March after being finalized by the committee and the legal department.

The draft law on mobilization has received 4,195 amendments and is still being worked on. After that, the document will be submitted to the legal department, and it may be adopted by the end of March. This was stated by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk, UNN reports citing the website of the Verkhovna Rada.

The draft law is under consideration by the Committee. More than 4 thousand amendments have been submitted, and more specifically, 4,195 amendments are still being worked on by the National Security and Defense Committee. The work in the Committee is still ongoing, and as soon as the work is completed, it will be transferred to the legal department, proofread and then ready for submission to the floor,

- Stefanchuk said during the telethon.


According to him, how long the whole process will take will be known after consultation with factions and groups, and will also depend on the final version of the draft law that will come out of the Committee.

The draft law on mobilization may be adopted by the end of March,

- Stefanchuk said, as quoted by BP.


Fedir Venislavsky , a Servant of the People MP and member of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, saidthat the government draft law on mobilization, which the Verkhovna Rada adopted as a basis on February 7, could be put to a vote in parliament by the end of March.


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