
Lukashenko talks about ukraine again: Center for Countering Disinformation calls his statements part of the Kremlin's information campaign

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Lukashenko's statements are part of the Kremlin's information campaign aimed at increasing tensions on Ukraine's northern border, according to the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation.

Belarusian Prime Minister Alexander Lukashenko, whose speech was published on his website on Thursday, again made a number of statements about Ukraine, including offering to "play a draw" and calling the Ukrainian peace formula unrealistic. Ukraine's Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council has already responded, explaining what Lukashenko's new comments mean, noting that it is part of the Kremlin's information campaign aimed at increasing tensions on Ukraine's northern border, UNN reports.


According to the National Security and Defense Council's Center for Political Analysis, self-proclaimed President Lukashenko said that the Belarusian opposition plans to seize the Kobryn district of the country in order to demand the deployment of NATO troops to Belarus. "At the same time, the KGB of Belarus stated that terrorist cells are preparing in the country, planning terrorist attacks simultaneously with the invasion, and reported the alleged prevention of a UAV attack on Belarus from Lithuania. According to Lukashenka, Belarus is on the verge of a major war," the Center for Public Policy noted.

In addition, he made several other statements about the need for negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, "otherwise Ukraine will cease to exist," and that the "Istanbul option" could be the basis for such negotiations. Lukashenko seasoned all this with nuclear threats. 

Lukashenko also spoke about the West's statements that Putin's victory should not be allowed: "If you insist that it is impossible, then this is the moment for negotiations. Play a draw at this stage.

Thus, the National Security and Defense Council's Center for Political Analysis explained "what Lukashenko's statements about preparations for an invasion of Belarus mean.

"the Kremlin, through its Belarusian ally alexander Lukashenko, continues to intimidate Ukraine and the western public, which should push our state and allies to start negotiations on moscow's terms," the Center for political and economic development said.

"The statements of the Belarusian dictator are part of the Kremlin's information campaign aimed at increasing tension on Ukraine's northern border through Belarus' threats to enter the war, which should constrain the Ukrainian Defense Forces. At the same time, the Kremlin is trying to discredit the Ukrainian peace formula on the eve of the summit in Switzerland and force Ukraine to negotiate on its own terms," the NSDC's Center for Political Analysis emphasized.


Lukashenka was also outraged by the defense measures taken by the neighboring countries of Belarus after the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. He noted that he did not understand why Poland needed such a powerful army. "We are not going to fight with them. They should not expect any active aggressive actions from the territory of Belarus. We don't need it," Lukashenko said.

лукашенко марить про "протистояння" в білорусі для захоплення "хоча б шматка землі"08.04.24, 15:59


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