
Zelensky explains why Scholz refuses to hand over Taurus missiles

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Zelenskiy says Germany refuses to provide Ukraine with Taurus cruise missiles, its most powerful weapons system, as Scholz argues that Germany cannot leave itself without them, but Zelenskiy says this will not protect the world from a nuclear threat from Russia.

Germany explains its refusal to transfer Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine by saying that it is the most powerful weapon system they have. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with BILD, UNN reports .


As far as I understand it, the chancellor says that Germany is not a nuclear power and that this is the most powerful weapon system in the country. And Scholz cannot leave Germany without it

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

The President noted that Ukraine needs not only Taurus, but also ATACMS and F-16 fighters.

Our partners have certain weapons that we need today to survive. Ukraine needs it to survive, and I just don't understand why we don't get it

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

The president was also asked whether Scholz was afraid of Putin's nuclear threats and whether this influenced his refusal to provide Ukraine with missiles.

"Scholz said that this is the case. But I don't think it will protect the world from a nuclear threat from Russia. No weapon can be really useful in the event of a nuclear war, not even the US ATACMS or F-16 aircraft," he added.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy


Ukraine has repeatedly requested long-range missiles from Germany, but Berlin refuses to do so.

Зеленський відповів, чи можливий другий наступ на Харків10.04.24, 00:30


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