
CIA Director: Ukraine risks losing more territory without new US aid

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Without additional military assistance from the United States, Ukraine will face new challenges on the battlefield and will gradually lose more and more territory to Russia, according to senior U.S. intelligence officials.

If Washington does not agree on a new aid package for the Defense Forces, Ukraine will continue to gradually lose territory. The New York Times reports with reference to senior U.S. intelligence officials, UNN writes.


In particular, CIA Director William Burns and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haynes of the US intelligence service warned that without additional military assistance, Ukraine would face new challenges on the battlefield.

ЄС і США можуть допомагати Україні закуповувати боєприпаси у Балканських країнах - експерт12.03.24, 14:13

In particular, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haynes is convinced that it will be difficult for Ukraine to hold on to the territories it has already liberated. She emphasized that Russia is not only actively increasing the production of ammunition, but also purchases it from North Korea and Iran.

Without additional assistance, we will see even more Avdiivka in 2024. And that, I think, would be a huge and historic mistake for the United States

- said Burns.

At the same time, he said, in case of additional assistance, Ukraine will be able to hold its positions at the front until early 2025.

Ukraine will be able to continue to inflict losses on Russia by striking not only Crimea but also its Black Sea Fleet

- explained the CIA director.


Also, according to the officials, any further delay in U.S. assistance to Ukraine will lead to new territorial losses, the consequences of which will be felt in Europe and the Pacific.

If it is seen that we are refusing to support Ukraine, this will not only sow doubts among our allies in the Indo-Pacific region, but will also fuel the ambitions of the Chinese leadership in various situations

- William Burns warned

Проєкт бюджету США на 2025 рік передбачає 482 млн доларів допомоги Україні для протидії російській агресії - Білий дім12.03.24, 12:12


Republicans in the House of Representatives are working on their own aid package for Ukraine, which includes military and non-military aid, potentially using frozen Russian assets.


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