
Common values and history make a country truly European - Zelensky on Europe Day

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Shared values and history make a country truly European, which is a true European strength that must be multiplied in order to protect life and values on the continent, to inherit a peaceful and united Europe to our children, and to defeat evil like Hitler and Putin.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy published a thematic video on the occasion of Europe Day, in which he emphasized that the true European strength lies in the voluntary unity of nations, communities and millions of very different people.

This is reported by UNN with reference to the Facebook page of the President of Ukraine.


Our Europe is a voluntary union of nations, communities and millions of very different people, a union of values. It is the shared values and history that make a country truly European

- the video says.

Zelensky emphasized that this is a real European force that we must continue to multiply.

This is the true European strength. Together, we must continue to multiply this strength by protecting life and common values on our continent. We must do everything to pass on to our children our entire Europe - peaceful, united, the one we really want to live in and which neither Hitler nor Putin can break... They are able to steal years of peace from Europe, but not our common destiny - the destiny of those who defeat evil, protect life and value peace 

- said the President of Ukraine.


The President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola arrived in Kyiv on Europe Day, May 9, as she announced on her social media, where she posted a video of herself greeting the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Ruslan Stefanchuk at the railway station.


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