
Eurovision Song Contest 2024: contestants prepare for the first semi-final

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The Eurovision Song Contest 2024 begins in the Swedish city of Malmö with enhanced security measures for the 37 participating countries.

The Eurovision Song Contest, in which representatives of 37 countries are participating, will begin in Malmö, Sweden, amid heightened security measures, UNN reports citing Euronews.


Musicians and performers from 37 countries are preparing for the first semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest, which is taking place in Malmö, Sweden. Prior to the official opening of the event, the contestants traditionally walked the turquoise carpet.

Representatives of Ukraine - alyona alyona and Jerry Heil - fought with Easter eggs on the turquoise carpet of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024.

Security measures have been stepped up in Malmö in connection with the Eurovision Song Contest. Earlier, the media mentioned cyberattacks, DoS attacks, civil disobedience and interception of TV broadcasts as threats to the contest.

The Israeli delegation is under special protection in Malmö. A few days before the start of the Eurovision Song Contest, Israel's National Security Council issued a warning that traveling to Malmö for citizens of the Jewish state could be dangerous.

The first semifinal will take place on May 7.

Євробачення-2024: постановницею номера alyona alyona & Jerry Heil стала відома режисерка Таня Муіньо01.05.24, 17:15


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