
putin "unexpectedly" won the elections in russia: how fellow dictators and the civilized world reacted

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Putin was "re-elected" president of Russia in a sham election condemned by most countries as undemocratic and illegitimate, with no real opposition and no choice for voters.

Another circus performance, which the Russian Federation called "presidential elections," has come to an end. The result was expected - Vladimir Putin was "elected"... again. In this regard, a number of his fellow dictators have already sent congratulations to the "old-new" master of the Kremlin, but more than fifty countries have condemned the "electoral farce." All reactions were collected by UNN in its material.


Today, the Russian Central Election Commission announced that it has processed 100% of all protocols of "voting" during the "presidential election", which resulted in an "unexpected" victory for incumbent President Vladimir Putin. The CEC gave him 87.28% of the vote. Other candidates received less than five percent of the vote. 

At the same time, the Russian Central Election Commission reported a "record" turnout at the "elections" - 87 million voters, which is 77.44% of the total number of citizens. 

By the way, Putin has been president of the Russian Federation for 20 years and seems to have decided to outdo another dictator, Joseph Stalin, who was secretary general of the USSR for 29 years. 


Another "long-liver" who has settled down in Belarus, dictator Alexander Lukashenko, who also likes to draw interest in elections and apparently has no intention of leaving his post, congratulated Putin. 

lukashenko statedthat the elections were organized as nowhere else. 

"No matter how hard the West tries to shake us here, the results are very good. The Russian Embassy worked very well in contact with our officials. Therefore, I am conveying to you its gratitude for the work and organization of the Russian presidential election in Belarus. Of course, the result is amazing," Lukashenka said at the meeting. 

Perhaps Lukashenko was upset that he could not "draw" such numbers for himself in 2020, but next year he will get the opportunity, as plans to run for his post. 


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Vladimir Putin on his re-election as President of Russia and expressed his desire to further strengthen the strategic partnership between India and Russia.

"I sincerely congratulate his Excellency Mr. Vladimir Putin on his re-election as President of the Russian Federation. We look forward to working together to further strengthen the time-honored special and privileged strategic partnership between India and Russia in the years to come," said the Indian Prime Minister.


An interesting story happened with China's congratulations to Putin. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the first to congratulate Putin on behalf of China. However, it was not the minister who did it, but the representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Lin Jian. 

Subsequently, Chinese Communist Party Secretary Xi Jinping congratulated the Russian dictator on winning another term as president of Russia and said that China is committed to maintaining close ties with Russia to promote their partnership.


Another dictator, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, also managed to congratulate Putin. Kim has sent a congratulatory telegram to Putin, which will be handed over to the Russian Foreign Ministry by the DPRK's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Moscow, Sin Hong Chol. 


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan has already congratulated Putin, saying that he had won a "convincing victory in the presidential election." Of course, how can you not, when you draw interest and get rid of competitors. 

"The high voter turnout and the results of the vote once again clearly demonstrated the unconditional trust and strong support of the population for Vladimir Putin's political course and program of socio-economic reforms," the message reads. 


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that "it was an impeccable electoral process" that "demonstrated its democracy in an exemplary way. 

"I congratulate the brotherly people of Russia and President Vladimir Putin on their extraordinary victory in the presidential election. It was an impeccable electoral process that has demonstrated its democracy in an exemplary manner over these past 3 days. Our hugs to all the Russian people and the United Russia party," Maduro wrote on social networking site X. 

This seems to be Venezuela's idea of democracy, when results are "drawn" and people are forced to vote at gunpoint. 


Honduran President Ziomara Castro also congratulated Putin, who also saw the results as a convincing victory. 

"As President of Honduras and interim president of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), I send my congratulations to President Vladimir Putin on his convincing victory in the Russian elections," Castro wrote


Iran - Russia's main ally - did not ignore Putin's re-election, which is why Ukrainian cities, including Odesa, are suffering, giving the aggressor country a "chessboard". 

"The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran sent a message in which he sincerely congratulated Vladimir Putin on his decisive victory (in the elections - ed.) and re-election as President of the Russian Federation," the message reads

Ibrahim Raisi expressed satisfaction with the developing relations between Moscow and Tehran and emphasized the need to further expand contacts.


Bolivian President Luis Arce congratulated the Russian dictator on his "resounding victory", calling him his brother. 

"From the Plurinational State of Bolivia, we send our most sincere congratulations to Brother Vladimir Putin, who was re-elected President of Russia with a resounding victory that confirms the unity of the brave Russian people around its sovereignty and continuous development. We are confident that we will continue to deepen our ties of brotherhood and cooperation," Arce wrote in


Another Central American country that congratulated Putin was Nicaragua. Judging by the greeting, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega is more excited than Putin. 

"In these times of instability and violence in a world where we all need peace, harmony, joy, goodwill, we celebrate his Triumph as a contribution to the irreplaceable stability of the human community, so that we can continue, in better conditions, to create a future of welfare, science, prosperity, cooperation and solidarity," the greeting reads. 

The President of Nicaragua also congratulated "the exemplary and peaceful election days that took place in this great friendly country, and we reiterate our respect to you, always in unwavering and solidarity brotherhood and support in all just causes.

I wonder if the President of Nicaragua understands who is responsible for instability and violence in the world

EU response 

European Council President Charles Michel congratulated Putin in advance on his "convincing election victory," pointing out that there is no opposition and no choice in Russia. 

"I would like to congratulate Vladimir Putin on his convincing victory in the elections that begin today. No opposition. No freedom. No choice," Michel wrote on social network X on March 15, just before the polls opened.

The post was also noticed by Kremlin propagandists, who, as it turned out, cannot read, or at least use a translator. Thus, the chief propagandist of the Russian Federation, Olga Skabeyeva, reposted Michel's ironic greeting. As always happens in Russian dumps, to maintain the illusion, they translate only what is pleasant, forgetting to cut out the words that there is no opposition, freedom and choice in the Russian elections. 

Also, Lithuania does not consider the presidential elections in Russia held on March 15-17 to be a legitimate democratic expression of will due to repression, fraud and suppression of the opposition, which makes the new "government" of Vladimir Putin devoid of any democratic legitimacy.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland condemned the so-called "presidential elections" in Russia. The ministry stated that they cannot be considered legal, free and fair.

"On March 15-17, 2024, the so-called presidential elections were held in Russia. The voting took place amidst the most brutal repression of the population, which made free democratic choice impossible," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. 

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg condemned Russia's illegal elections in the occupied regions of Ukraine and Georgia, calling on Russia to revoke its recognition of Georgian territories as independent states and emphasizing the need to increase support for Ukraine due to the difficult situation at the front.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia condemned the holding of the Russian presidential election in the occupied regions of the country and the illegal opening of polling stations there. 

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia calls on the Russian Federation to cease its actions against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia and to fulfill its international obligations, including the ceasefire agreement of August 12, 2008, brokered by the European Union," reads the statement of the Georgian Foreign Ministry.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France condemned the holding of presidential elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine and the separatist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. 

"The conditions for free, pluralistic and democratic elections were once again not met," said in France. 

The head of the European Union's diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said that the "elections" of the Russian president held in the occupied Ukrainian territories violate Ukraine's sovereignty.

The Czech Foreign Ministry stated that the results of the Russian pseudo-elections are not surprising, as this farce has been going on for many years.

"That Russian fairy tale about elections with Vladimir Putin in the lead role has been going on in Russia for several years now and is no surprise to anyone," said Jan Lipawski. 

German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock emphasized that "the elections in Russia were elections without a choice." 

Also, the Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the OSCE, Neil Holland, said that London will not determine the pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. He reminded that Russia's aggression began in 2014, and now Russia is trying to seize new territories. 

"Russia is holding its presidential election against the will of the Ukrainian people. This is another blatant attempt by Russia to create the appearance of legitimacy for its illegal presence in Ukraine. And it is yet another violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, principles that are fundamental to the Helsinki Final Act, which Russia has torn to shreds," said Hollande. 

Yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Putin is simply sick of power and is doing everything he can to rule for life. 

"There is no evil he will not commit to prolong his personal power. And there is no one in the world who is immune from this. I thank every state, every leader, and all international organizations that have called and will continue to call these things by their proper names. Everything Russia does in the occupied territory of Ukraine is a crime. There must be a just retribution for everything that Russian murderers have done in this war and for the sake of Putin's lifelong power. He is afraid of only one thing - justice. This imitation election has no legitimacy and cannot have any. This figure must end up in the dock in The Hague - that is what we must ensure. Everyone in the world who values life and decency," Zelensky said. 

In general, Ukraine, 56 other countries and the European Union condemned the illegally organized voting in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine during the presidential elections. 

As you can see, most countries in the world do not recognize the presidential election in Russia, which has long since turned into a clown show to show maximum support for the tsar. 

Perhaps in the future, Putin will be greeted on tanks by fighters from the Russian Volunteer Corps, the Freedom of Russia Legion, and the Siberian Battalion, who have been conducting raids in the Belgorod and Kursk regions, calling his election a "farce" and offering him a dialogue for the sake of a future Russia without a dictatorship. But Putin, probably holed up in his bunker, did not respond to the Russian volunteers.  

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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