
russian Strategic Aviation Activity Decreased: the Air Force Spoke about the Consequences of the Elimination of Tu-22M3

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After Ukraine successfully destroyed a russian Tu-22M3 long-range bomber, russia significantly reduced its strategic aviation activity in the Black Sea region.

After the successful elimination of the Tu-22M3 long-range bomber by the Ukrainian Defense Forces, the russians have significantly reduced the activity of strategic aviation. This was reported by Ilya Yevlash, a spokesman for the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on the air of the Espresso TV channel, UNN reports


According to a spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force, after the destruction of the russian Tu22M3, the use of enemy strategic aircraft in the Black Sea has decreased.

After the Tu-22M3 was "canceled" in the Black Sea, when it was on its return course, after it had fired on Dnipro and Kryvyi Rih, we still managed to catch up with it with one of the missiles. After that, we can see that the number of their strategic aviation use has decreased somewhat as of now 

- Evlash summarized. 

According to him, russia still has various missile carriers that can be used in combat. However, the successful work of the Ukrainian Armed Forces against the occupiers' aircraft and radar stations is forcing the russians to change their plans. 

Перший збитий Україною стратегічний бомбардувальник: у британській розвідці проаналізували ліквідацію Ту-22М3 20.04.24, 12:27

Of course, the enemy still has various carriers. And we cannot say that they will give up on continuing missile attacks on our infrastructure. However, they need to rethink their actions 10 times before sending another aircraft into the Black and Azov Seas. In addition, we have been quite successful in destroying radar stations that have been targeting our country. That is why the use of aviation from the south of Ukraine has decreased somewhat recently

- explained the spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force.


At the same time, Yevlash said that instead of aviation, the russians began to actively use reconnaissance drones. He explained that in this way the occupiers are trying to track the movements of the Defense Forces, in particular air defense units.

That's why the use of aviation from the south of the country has decreased somewhat recently. Instead, we are now recording a large number of drones. These are dozens of units that operate at different times, for example, last night there were more than 3 dozen such reconnaissance UAVs trying to detect our air defense stations and troop movements 

- Yevlash said.


As a result of the operation, the DIU, in cooperation with the Air Force, destroyed a Tu-22MZ bomber that was firing missiles at Ukraine on the night of April 19. The enemy aircraft was shot down at a distance of about 300 kilometers from Ukraine using the same means that had previously destroyed the russian A-50.

russia confirmed the death of one of the pilots of the downed Tu-22M3 bomber.

"Сподіваюсь, Одесі буде легше", – Буданов про знищення російського бомбардувальника Ту22М319.04.24, 23:03


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