
Russia's missile attack on Kyiv: debris destroyed part of the building of the Boychuk Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design - Ministry of Culture

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a Russian missile strike on Kyiv destroys part of the building of the Boychuk Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design.

In the capital, part of the building of the Boychuk Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design was destroyed as a result of the fall of enemy missile fragments. This was reported on Monday by the press service of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, UNN reports

During the morning shelling of Kyiv, the central part of the building of the Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design was damaged as a result of the fall of rocket fragments fired by the Russian Federation. In particular, the gym, congress hall, and exhibition center were completely destroyed. The premises of the departments and auditoriums of the institution were also significantly damaged

- the Ministry of Culture said in a statement.

Law enforcement agencies and the State Emergency Service are working at the scene. According to preliminary information, according to the Ministry of Culture, no one was killed, two people were injured and hospitalized. 

The agency added that it will assess the extent of the damage as soon as possible. Measures are also being taken to carry out emergency work at the destroyed facilities.

As a result of the morning rocket attack by Russian troops in Kyiv, the number of casualties increased to 5.

Two ballistic missiles launched by the enemy from the occupied Crimea towards Kyiv were successfully destroyedby the air defense forces.


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