
Since the beginning of the war, more than nine thousand enemy drones have been destroyed in the skies over Ukraine

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Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion, the Ukrainian military has shot down more than 9,000 Russian drones, including Iranian Shaheed-136 drones assembled in Russia from components from the United States, Canada, and Japan.

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, the Ukrainian military has shot down more than nine thousand enemy drones. This was reported by the Ministry of Defense in its "X", UNN writes.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, more than 9,000 Russian unmanned aerial vehicles have been destroyed. Every night, Russia launches its drones targeting civilian infrastructure across Ukraine. Ukraine needs more air defense systems to protect our people from Russia's aerial terror. Effective air defense = saved lives of Ukrainians 

- the post says.


Specialists from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise foundthat the enemy began attacking Ukraine with Shaheed 136 drones, parts and fragments of which are marked with the "Y" series. This is a transitional version of the weapon, which is likely to have been assembled in Russia.

"A significant amount of microelectronics from the objects of investigation after the relevant events is in a condition unsuitable for expert analysis due to physical destruction. At the same time, unfortunately, the components traditionally identified are not of Russian origin, namely: USA, Canada and Japan.

"The Russians' "innovation" was the signatures on the elements of the Shaheed 136. Literally, we can assume that this is a kind of report from the person responsible for preparing the assembly of a particular part of the drone. The "packers" leave their "autographs" on the inside of the drone's body. We sincerely hope that such a "modern" technology will eventually help to identify and bring Russian criminals to justice faster," said Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.


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