
Sumy region: Russian army shells 11 border communities, one wounded

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On Friday, March 22, Russian occupants fired 60 times at 11 communities in Sumy region, causing 280 explosions and injuring at least one civilian.

Russian invaders shelled Sumy region 60 times on Friday, March 22. They targeted 11 communities located in the border area. At least one person was injured in these attacks. The situation in the region was reported by the Sumy Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.

During the day, the Russians fired 60 times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region. 280 explosions were recorded. Mykolaiv, Khotyn, Yunakiv, Bilopil, Miropil, Krasnopil, Velykopysariv, Novoslobid, Shalygyn, Svesa, Seredina-Buda communities were shelled

- reported the Sumy Regional Military Administration.


According to information from the JFO, one civilian was injured in the Bilopilska community during an air strike. It is noted that the Russians have once again dropped CABs on the community. In addition, the occupiers also fired at the community from a tank, an LNG grenade launcher, artillery, MLRS, as well as unguided missiles and FPV-type kamikaze drones.

On Friday, the occupiers launched an air strike with an NAR on the residents of Velykopysarivska community. Also, UAVs dropping explosive ordnance, artillery, mortar, MLRS and FPV drone attacks were recorded here.

The Russian army attacked Krasnopillia with enemy UAVs, mortars, artillery and an FPV drone.

The occupants attacked the Seredyna Budska community with an AGS grenade launcher, MLRS and struck with FPV kamikaze drones.

The Russians attacked Novoslobidska, Shalyhinska and Miropilska communities with artillery and mortars. The enemy also struck the latter with explosive devices dropped from a UAV.

The enemy attacked Sveska with small arms. The Russians fired at Mykolaivka and Khotyn UTCs with artillery. And Yunakivska - with mortars.

Ніяких наступальних угрупувань на Сумському напрямку противник не створює - Павлюк22.03.24, 15:30

Tatiana Salganik



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