
The British Ministry of Defense responds to the defeat of two russian ships

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russia's Black Sea Fleet is suffering huge losses due to successful strikes by Ukraine, which is sinking Putin's ships even in the occupied port of Sevastopol.

British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps reacted to the defeat of two large russian landing ships  in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol, saying that russia is forced to limit its fleet to the port - and even there Putin's ships are sinking, UNN reports .


Putin's ongoing illegal occupation of Ukraine is causing enormous damage to russia's Black Sea Fleet, which is now functionally inactive. russia has been sailing the Black Sea since 1783, but is now forced to confine its fleet to a port. And even there, Putin's ships are sinking

- Shapps wrote in X.


The Ukrainian military successfully hit the large russian landing ships Yamal and Azov, a communications center, and several infrastructure facilities of the russian Black Sea Fleet in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol.


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